Thursday, October 21, 2010

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

One thing that amazes me about the narrative Incidents in the Life Of a Slave Girl. Is Jacob's inability or negligence to expressing any emotion or feeling about incidents in the book. She says everything in the same manner which makes it seem as if it's not really anything to be emotional about. For example, on page 17, when Jacobs walks in the house with a new pair of shoes, her master says, "take them off and if you ever put htem on again, ill throw them into the fire." She just takes them off and when she is sent on an errand in the snow without her new shoes, she doesn't cry or whine at all. Another example is on page 40, when she back talks to her master, it states, "he sprang upon me like a tiger and gave me a stunning blow." When she is hit she simply recovers easily and doesn't write of how painful the blow was to her. I think the reason she tries to limit her emotion in this narrative is to keep it just a book of incidents that happened to her and not to add how she feels about it to compromise how the reader responds to it. In conclusion, her excluding of emotion makes the book fantastic and I look forward to the end

Thursday, September 30, 2010

today was yet another normal day at school. i went thru all my classes. first i went to soccer-gym. that class is by far the most pointless class in history. ms.changuris must be out of her mind if she thinks she noes a lot about soccer. first of all, she thinks the forwards may not play defence and that if the other team has the ball then the forwards may not even attempt to get the ball from them. this makes no sense b.c if my team has the ball then we try to score (offence) and if we dont have it then we try and get the ball (defence). another thing is u no the circle in which the game starts in the middle of the field. ms changuris thinks that the center midfield MUST only stay in that circle while playing the game which makes no sense because the midfielder is supposed to go up and down the entire field not just stand in a circle of space of space during the whole game. i dislike this class and i havent learned anything that makes the least bit of sense in that 105 minutes of wasted time that montgomery blair calls a "class." after gym i went to physics in which we took a extremely simple test that im sure i got an A on. after that i had lunch but i did my history brochure. after lunch i went to spanish and we took a test that was also very easy that im sure i got an A on. finally, i went to history and i turned in my brochure took a whole rack of notes and voted for sga president and vice-president and the we played a game.